An ongoing list of things to read / watch / try / whatever in order to improve my game.
It would be good if I checked here once a week and read / watched / tried / whatever something from the list.
Tommy Angelo - The Eightfold Path to Poker Enlightenment
Deuces Cracked - Premium Videos
Friday, March 5, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Session Template
[] Session review, Session rules review, and Blog post of review
[] Mental Health Check (Create next session reviews post with it)
[] Review Strategy
[] Set Session Goals
[] Define how many tables we have earned for the session
Mental Health Check
[] Well-rested
[] Well-fed
[] Clear mind (not cloudy or fuzzy)
[] Emotionally calm
Session Goals
[] Mental Health Check (Create next session reviews post with it)
[] Review Strategy
[] Set Session Goals
[] Define how many tables we have earned for the session
Mental Health Check
[] Well-rested
[] Well-fed
[] Clear mind (not cloudy or fuzzy)
[] Emotionally calm
Session Goals
- Play one table for 30 minutes
- Incorporate new information from session review
- Maintain discipline
- Stay focused
- STOP and determine correct play on all action
- Take notes
- Stop on time
I will review this page before each session.
I will set rules here, but they will change as I learn and understand more. Nothing here is set in stone, it is simply a place to hold the basics.
Session Review notes:
I will set rules here, but they will change as I learn and understand more. Nothing here is set in stone, it is simply a place to hold the basics.
- General play
- Bet for VALUE, not for Folding Equity
- Preflop
- I am playing a Raise or Fold game. If I can't raise it, fold it. It's okay to fold.
- Exceptions
- I am oop hu. It is best to call here.
- I have a marginal hand in position and there are 3+ limpers in the pot. I can get good odds to see a cheap flop with hands like low pairs, low suited connectors, mid unsuited connectors.
- General Postflop
- If I have one pair and villain ck/c, ck/r oop: FOLD unless villain AF >= 2.5, or notes say capable of semibluff turn.
- If wa/wb oop: ck/c, ck/c, b/f. The river bet is against presumed honest villain. If villain is tricky or spewy I should ck/c.
- Flop
- I have the lead (This will usually be the case, since I'm usually only playing if I raised PF)
- Bet
- Exception: if I know the flop killed me and I'm against 3+ villains, I can ck/f
- Villain has the lead
- Check
- Villain "must" bet, so I can ck/r if I'm oop with a hand or draw.
- Exception: passive villain or free card could kill me.
- Remember that villain is going to bet air here lot. I will usually have odds to call with any reasonable hand or draw or overcards. And some of those I should raise.
- Turn
- River
- Why am I betting? Will I get a better hand to fold? Will I get a worse hand to call? Will my opponent bluff with a worse hand? If I'm only going to be called by better hands, check.
- Why am I folding? How big is the pot? Is my opponent capable of bluffing?
Session Review notes:
- Back off the throttle - I'm spewing
- Take more notes
- Don't assume my opponents are thinking past level 2. Shintai believes that they're rarely thinking past level 1 here, but I'm still not convinced.
- Pick better hands for bluff-catching.
- I misplayed more on the hands that I won than the hands that I lost. And I've gotten passive again in the wrong places.
- I need to go back to a raise or fold preflop strategy
- Low flops I should only bet for value, not for folding equity. Players don't fold them.
- This is limit, damnit, quit trying to exercise pot control, quit calling oop when you should raise. It's a half a bet. Get it in there.
- Quit open limping in the hopes that others will come along. Somehow they never do.
- Still need to talk hand ranges with shintai
- Don't slow down on made flushes, no matter how low, unless you face more than one street of aggression
This blog is mostly is for my own use and review. I will be learning from my father and from my friend Shintai and I am likely to discuss hands and situations with several of my other successful poker buddies. And I may be passing along what I know to other friends; teaching is a great way to learn.
I really need to define some, under the theory that if you aim at nothing you'll hit it. But at this point I have several long-term goals and I'm not entirely sure which one(s) I most wish to pursue. So for right now I will keep this a bit vague. I will, however, set very short-term goals. Those will keep me focused and serious.
Based on the avoidthe9to5 model, I will be doing review of my session before starting a new one, and I will also complete a checklist before each session to be sure I am at my best for playing.
[] Mental Health Check (Create next session reviews post with it)
[] Review Strategy
[] Well-fed
[] Clear mind (not cloudy or fuzzy)
[] Emotionally calm
[] Define how many tables we have earned for the session
I really need to define some, under the theory that if you aim at nothing you'll hit it. But at this point I have several long-term goals and I'm not entirely sure which one(s) I most wish to pursue. So for right now I will keep this a bit vague. I will, however, set very short-term goals. Those will keep me focused and serious.
Based on the avoidthe9to5 model, I will be doing review of my session before starting a new one, and I will also complete a checklist before each session to be sure I am at my best for playing.
[] Session review, Session rules review, and Blog post of review[] Mental Health Check (Create next session reviews post with it)
[] Review Strategy
Mental Health Check:
[] Well-rested[] Well-fed
[] Clear mind (not cloudy or fuzzy)
[] Emotionally calm
[] Define how many tables we have earned for the session
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